Website Performance Test: Specific and Measurable Website Tips

Website Performance Test: Specific and Measurable Website Tips
Your commitment to quality starts from your own website. Keep it simple. Keep it healthy. Keep it fit. We all know that if you want to go to the next level then having website is the bare minimum requirement. Read other blogs on this site to understand why it is important.

But many a times, non IT business owners find it challenging to understand the importance. It is the job of their IT partner to make business owners aware.

You might have paid your IT partner to ensure your website is optimized for search engine. But how are you monitoring the results?

We came up with a list of 30+ health and fitness parameters for websites. We developed an automated system to check these parameters. Our web portal reports if the website is alive and healthy:

It is up.
There are no links that fail to open (dead links).
The domain expiry date is not too close.
Our system reports if the website is fit:

It is searchable.
There are no spelling mistakes.
There are social icons and many other valuable features. suggestions are always specific and measurable. Our competitors give vague suggestions, Whatever you do, the ranking will not improve. But our suggestions are so specific that a developer can fix those and see the score going up. We do not like playing hide and seek with developers.

The business owner should look only at the % score and glance through the report. It is not expected that business owner will understand it.

The business owner should hand it over to team that supports website and ensure that they fix these issues. If they do not understand what is written in the report then better to change the IT partner.

Websites Watch checks below health and fitness parameters (and the list is increasing):

Website History – Find out what page your website is on when searching by a particular phrase.

Website Ranking – View historical data on page results, so you can see what page your website pops up on over time.

Dead Links – Identify dead links in your website.

Domain Expiry Date – Domains expiry Date is the most crucial aspect for any Enterprise. We keep a check at your Domain Expiry date, and keep you updated.

Spelling Mistakes – You don’t want anyone to see an incorrect spelling on your website. We keep a check of Spelling Mistakes in your Website and keep you updated

SEO – SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of rules for optimizing a website to rank higher in search results. It helps increase the quality of the website by making it user-friendly and easier to navigate.

Sitemap.xml – A sitemap tells Google which pages and files you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these files.

robots.txt – A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. We check for this file’s existence.

H1 Tag – The h1 tag is important because it defines the main heading of a webpage, helping search engines and users understand its primary topic. We check its presence and relevance through our web portal.

Keywords and Description – Meta keywords and description are important for SEO. Keywords provide search engines with relevant information about the webpage’s content, while the description gives a concise summary. We check them through our web portal for better visibility.

Favicon – A favicon is important as it is a small icon displayed in the browser tab and bookmarks. It enhances branding and helps users quickly identify and differentiate your website. We ensure the presence and correct implementation of the favicon.

og:image – It is important for social media sharing. It specifies the image that should be displayed when the webpage is shared. we check for this through our web portal.

Google Analytics – Google Analytics is important for website owners as it provides valuable insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. We check for this through our Portal.

Title – The meta title is important because it is displayed as the clickable headline in search engine results. It should accurately summarize the webpage’s content and entice users to click. We check for the presence of the Title in your Domains

Slow Sites – A slow website is important to address because it negatively impacts user experience and SEO rankings. Through our web portal, we monitor website speed and identify areas for improvement to enhance performance and user satisfaction.

Disk Space Monitoring – Disk Space Monitoring is very crucial parameter that helps us know whether our website is using an excessive disk space or not. We monitor your disk space and give alerts accordingly.

Social Media Links – Benefits of social media links on your website: Enhanced connectivity, wider reach, instant updates, and community engagement. We verify their presence here.

Clickable contact Numbers – Clickable WhatsApp and telephone numbers on your website offer easy communication, faster response, and customer convenience. We verify their presence here.

Alt attribute – Alt attribute enhances accessibility, SEO, and user experience by providing descriptive text for images. We verify their presence here.

Clickable email address – Clickable email address (mailto:) allows users to initiate quick email communication, improving engagement and user convenience. We verify their presence here.

Website SEO Page Rank Alert and Up / Down Alert

A thorough assessment of your website's SEO preparedness is provided by our Website Performance Test. We carefully review off-page and on-page SEO components to guarantee top performance. To improve visibility and user experience, we carefully examine elements like meta tags, headers, content quality, and internal linking structure on the page. Off-page, we evaluate the general domain authority, social signals, and backlink profiles to determine the authority and relevancy of your website. Our comprehensive reports include actionable recommendations to improve your website's general performance and search engine rankings in addition to highlighting areas for improvement.